Mysteries & Thrillers Newsletter

Maybe I’m in my element with mysteries & thrillers because I’m a twin. I’ve been a clue all my life. From tales that make me twist and turn to the ones that make me wonder what’s on the other side of my shower curtain, I cover them all—as well as new releases, author interviews, and much more—in Crime & Astonishment, Audible's monthly mysteries & thrillers newsletter. —Yvonne D.

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About the editor


Yvonne loves great storytelling, and often brags that her job is one big perk. "I get to do what I know how to do: write, and enjoy great writing, just about every day." What a deal! As the Mysteries & Thrillers newsletter editor, she gets a kick out of twisty and sometimes gruesome storytelling. Because she's naturally nosy, she loves a good memoir. She's also an Audible creator—her memoir,Quite the Contrary, was published in 2022.


A reality TV show turns deadly in Ruth Ware’s latest psychological thriller

A reality TV show turns deadly in Ruth Ware’s latest psychological thriller

C.J. Tudor’s new winning combo: an unassuming detective, a vampire colony, and a remote Alaskan town

C.J. Tudor’s new winning combo: an unassuming detective, a vampire colony, and a remote Alaskan town

Tana French plays with Western tropes in an Irish setting in "The Hunter"

Tana French plays with Western tropes in an Irish setting in "The Hunter"

Alex Michaelides ups the ante on the classic whodunit with “The Fury”

Alex Michaelides ups the ante on the classic whodunit with “The Fury”

Nita Prose brings back our favorite maid in "The Mystery Guest"

Nita Prose brings back our favorite maid in "The Mystery Guest"